
Doubles Pickleball Strategy: 101

Doubles Pickleball Strategy: 101

Just starting at doubles pickleball? Here are ten doubles strategies that will be of special use to those of you just beginning your pickleball journey. There are obviously many more strategies to learn, but these doubles strategies will help you become a better pickleball player and a smarter player in general.

Let’s get to it!

1. Follow the return-of-serve to the non-volley line.

Pickleball doubles strategy tip #1 is to get to the non-volley line. Because this is so important, make sure you follow every return-serve to the non-volley line to increase your chances of winning the rally through this positioning.

2. Drop shots are your friend.

This is one of the most difficult shots to perfect, but if you can do it, it’s a great way to improve your chance of winning at pickleball doubles. Basically, any time you’re not at the non-volley line and your opponent is, this shot will get you to the non-volley line (the kitchen) as well. You’ll be able to flip the odds in your favor.

The drop shot is usually completed by the team who is serving, following the return of serve. This is usually executed on the third shot so it is aptly known as the third drop shot.

3. Try to keep your opponents at the baseline.

Your opponents should be pinned back if you and your partner are on the non-volley line. You have the advantage here. Your opponents will be able to reach the non-volley line after hitting a shorter shot, which negates your advantage. Instead, hitting shots that keep your competitors pinned in their own court is a better pickleball doubles strategy.

4. Aim for their feet!

It is always a good idea to hit the ball at your opponents' feet, no matter where they are positioned on the court.

It is very difficult to return a ball at the feet without popping it up. You should dink at the feet of your competitors if you are playing with them. You should hit the ball at your opponent's feet if he or she is in the transition area between the baseline and the non-volley line. Basically, hit the ball at their feet if they are near the baseline. You will certainly become a better doubles pickleball player if you stick to this simple strategy.

5. Add a little depth to your serve.

When serving, the most important thing is to hit it deep - after getting it in, of course. Keep this in mind whenever you serve. Following the return of serve, the return of server wants to reach the non-volley line. The serve should be kept deep so that the ball will not be able to reach the line.

Contrary to popular belief, hitting a high-arcing ball deep inside the challenger’s court is better than hitting a serve with blistering speed that lands several feet inside the baseline.

6. Step away from the baseline when returning.

It is all too common for players to stand at the baseline or even within a foot of the baseline when returning serves.

Stand 2-3 feet behind the baseline when returning a serve unless you know it is likely to be hit short. You will have ample space and time to step in as you return the ball. When the ball is served deep, you won't be trapped and give up an easy point to your opponent.

7. Always return deep.

There are several advantages to a deep return of service. So, when the returner follows the return of serve, they have enough time to move to the non-volley line. Thus, the third shot is longer and harder for the serving team to execute.

8. Communication when returning middle shots is key.

Shooting down the middle of the court commonly causes confusion and uncertainty about which partner should hit the shot. Decide who will take the middle shots at the beginning of the game as a team.

Possibly, whoever is standing on the forehand side will take the middle shot based on a general rule-of-thumb. Scream "mine" or "yours" from time to time to communicate if you don’t have a plan of action.

9. Move as a cohesive unit.

Playing pickleball doubles is like being tethered to each other by an 8-10 foot rope. You should always be moving together as a pair. Walk back and forth together. Move side to side together. Your opponents will be able to more easily put balls away if you don't move together as a team.

10. Patience is a virtue.

Pickleball doubles strategy that requires patience might be the most challenging. Selecting your shots with patience is an important part of patience. Consider a conservative shot if you are unable to hit the ball with a downward blow. In rallies, errors usually prove costly. Being patient can help you avoid mistakes. Don't rush!

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