
How to Increase Your Hand Speed for Pickleball Hand-eye Coordination

How to Increase Your Hand Speed for Pickleball Hand-eye Coordination

We’ve all been there - stretching hard to try and hit that return shot at the kitchen line that is just out of reach. It’s frustrating not getting to the ball fast enough.

Luckily, there are several things you can put into practice to work on increasing your hand speed and response time so you can win more points. Here are some pointers and drills to help!

Body and Paddle Position

Your body and paddle positioning on the court are vital. When you’re not actively hitting the ball, it is important to return to a ready position or default mode so you are prepared to move and hit the ball from wherever it is coming.

Get into a ready position by placing your feet a little wider than shoulder-width. You should be light on your feet, leaning forward onto the balls of your feet with your knees bent. Keep your paddle centered in front of your body. This will allow you to move to your forehand or backhand quickly, depending on where the pickleball is going.

Having an eastern grip will allow players the most maneuverability and is usually favored by beginners and intermediate players because you don’t have to switch your grip. More advanced pickleball players may have fast hands and be able to switch their grip on the fly.

Anticipation is Everything

One of the keys for increasing hand speed is predicting the trajectory of where the ball will be in relation to your paddle. Over time, you will start to see patterns emerge, particularly if you play with the same opponents. Watch your opponent’s footwork and keep an eye on how they respond to dinks, lobs, and drives. The more predictably they play, the faster you can get your pickleball paddle in position to strike and improve your reaction time.

Keep an Eye on the Pickleball Ball

This may seem obvious, but this is a common mistake players make. We would be remiss in not mentioning that keeping a watchful eye on the ball at all times is critical for anticipating and reacting to shots. If you watch pickleball pros, they always know where the ball is. No matter your skill level, quick hands and good hand-eye coordination are impossible unless you know where the ball is. A fraction of a second lost can mean the difference between winning and losing a point.

Don’t Forget to Warm-Up

Don’t just jump into a pickleball game - perform some pickleball volleys or wall drills to warm-up your body, arm, and wrist. Muscles that are warm and loose are more agile and able to respond faster on the pickleball court.

Here are some helpful pickleball drills from our partners, Total Pickleball. Each drill is designed to help you improve your speed and hand-eye coordination.

Pickleball Tips for Faster Hands

Better pickleball plays begin with faster hands. Speed up your play at the net with these vital tips:

  1. Keep your body balanced and re-orient your balance immediately after each hit

  2. Keep your head still while at the NVZ to keep your vision focused

  3. Practice fast back-and-forth volley exchanges with the purpose of training your hands

  4. Use compact, short swings because these swings are faster

Take your game to the next level by watching this full video from John Cincola Pickleball, illustrating how the pros do it during matches:

Final Thoughts

Pickleball pros aren’t just naturally fast at the net. You can improve your speed by practicing your body posture, warming up, and running skill drills to improve your speed. How have you improved your hand speed at the net? Tell us in the comments below!

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