
How to Return a Pickleball Serve: Advanced Pickleball Strategies

How to Return a Pickleball Serve: Advanced Pickleball Strategies

Where should you return a pickleball serve? It's likely not where you think. Most players will try to return the ball down the middle. The idea here is that it creates confusion between the two players on the serving team, especially if they have not discussed who takes the ball down the middle before the game. Unfortunately, this isn't always the right strategy, as it gives your opponent the best angle to hit the third shot either out wide or down the middle.

So, the next question is… Where should you return the ball? 

According to senior professional John Sperling and Coach Russell Elefterion, both of whom I recently interviewed on the Pickleball Fire podcast, a good return actually should go to the player straight in front of you. This idea is likely one you have not heard of before because it is an advanced strategy. If you hit to the player straight in front of you, your partner can cover the ball down the middle while you are looking for the third shot down the line. But, you may ask what about the cross court shot angled short in the court? If your opponent makes that shot, then acknowledge them for hitting one of the most difficult shots in the game. The reality is most players cannot hit this shot consistently and for those who do, they are likely in the top 10% or 15% of all players.

Knowing that your serve return should be hit straight in front of you, the next question is how shallow or deep should you hit it? 

If your opponents move well, then hit deep in the court. In fact, the deeper the better, as long as you can consistently hit the ball in. Remember, the team which makes the fewest errors will win the game. Now, if your opponent doesn't move that fast or is slow to react, you can also hit some serve returns short in the court. This will cause your opponent to run quickly forward and they may hit the ball in the net or out because they are moving and hitting the ball at the same time. Whether you hit the straight serve return deep or short, the addition of some slice is helpful. Serve returns with slice keep the ball low so your opponent will either hit the ball in the net or pop it up high over the net which then gives you an offensive shot.

So, give it a try and hit your serve return straight in front of you to see how this advanced strategy works.

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