
Is Pickleball the Cure for Obesity?

Is Pickleball the Cure for Obesity?

Pickleball is an addictive, social, and competitive activity that’s a lot of fun. For many players, it isn’t considered a workout despite it being a sport that can burn hundreds of calories per hour. Depending on your weight and activity level, pickleball can be a useful tool to lose weight.

Obesity in the USA

Obesity in the US increased from 30.5% to 41.9% from 1999-2020. This is a huge increase; almost half of the U.S. is struggling with this health disorder.

Pickleball can be an activity that can help those who are overweight to control further weight gain or lose weight. People make time to do the things they want to do, and pickleball is a fun activity that even people who are overweight or out of shape can enjoy. Pickleball is perceived across all ages and genders as a fun activity. In fact, our pickleball community survey revealed that almost 45% of people say that they play for fun!

Why do you play pickleball?

How Can Pickleball Help Players Lose Weight?

While the amount of calories burned playing pickleball will vary depending on age, weight, and how strenuously one is playing, it’s reasonable to expect to burn approximately 75 calories for every 10 minutes of play. This makes pickleball a comparable alternative to hitting the treadmill or swimming a few laps.    

Many people’s lives have truly been changed by pickleball. Specifically, weight loss has been a motivating factor for some to get into the sport, and many players have seen dramatic results!

Woman stepping on a scale

Julie’s 90 Pound Pickleball Weight Loss Journey

Julie Nidiffer is a woman from Tennessee who began playing pickleball with the sole purpose of overcoming her obesity. That’s exactly what she did. In 12 months, she dropped more than 90 pounds and gained a new circle of friends that became her support system during her weight loss journey.

In the first four months of Julie playing pickleball, she lost 10 pounds. She lost a little weight every time she played. That was enough to inspire her to take the next step of joining the Weight Watchers program to tackle her intake while burning calories playing a sport she now loved.

Julie’s weight loss journey made an impact on the people around her as well. Her husband lost 70 pounds himself in the same year and noticed positive behavioral changes in Julie. “She became a much lighter person, physically and spiritually… she was having fun, and she realized she could have fun,” he said.

Julie’s story is one of many that display the positive effects pickleball can have on one’s life, including weight loss.

Pickleball high-five

Jeff’s 135 Pound Pickleball Weight Loss Story

Trainer and coach Jeff “Cobra Kai” Cederna has also experienced weight loss since playing pickleball. Jeff is a personal trainer and pickleball coach in Michigan who lost 135 pounds in eight months.

Jeff wanted to feel better and be a better pickleball player to participate in higher level pickleball games and tournaments, which is where his weight loss journey began.

Stories like these are more common than you might think. We hope it opens the eyes of those who struggle with their weight and may not know where to start. Pickleball can be the first step in eventually having a story similar to Julie’s and Jeff’s.

The Many Health Benefits of Pickleball

Pickleball improves overall health and burns a significant number of calories. Playing a game of pickleball is a good workout that can improve mental health and physical well-being. The greater a players body weight, the more calorie burn they will experience.

  • Aerobic exercise improves cardiovascular health, reducing risk of heart attack

  • Builds muscle and increases muscle mass which speeds up metabolism

  • Form of exercise suitable for younger and older adults

  • Improves flexibility and overall fitness levels

  • Improved agility and overall balance

  • Low-impact compared with other paddle sports

  • Pickleball can reach high-intensity interval training targets for vigorous play

  • Strengthens the lower body, particularly the glutes, quads, calves, and hamstrings

  • Sustained physical activity increases stamina and lowers blood pressure

  • The upper body strength training of swinging the pickleball paddle benefits the triceps, biceps, shoulders, and chest muscles

Pickleball players

How Often Should Those Who Want to Lose Weight Play Pickleball?

Playing pickleball is a great way for people of all ages to establish a fun workout routine. Pickleball can be played daily for those who enjoy it. It’s important for those who are new to physical activity and cardio to ease into it and warm-up properly before stepping onto the pickleball court. Monitor your heart rate to ensure it is in the proper range for burning fat to get the most benefit.

Final Thoughts

So, can pickleball help you lose weight? We think so. While we wouldn’t expect miracles, it definitely can serve as a fun physical activity that helps burn those unwanted calories. Plus, the pickleball community is a welcoming place where anyone can go to learn how to play the game, making it a great first step in helping someone on their weight loss journey!

If you want to read more about the health benefits of the sport, be sure to check out our other article on the 5 health benefits of pickleball!

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