
The Difference Between a Pickleball Court and Tennis Court

The Difference Between a Pickleball Court and Tennis Court

Singles Vs. Doubles

If you have played tennis or watched tennis, you have probably noticed a parallel line a few feet in from both sidelines. In tennis, the width of the court changes for singles vs doubles. Whereas in pickleball, one size fits all. The court for singles and doubles is the same dimensions.

Court Dimensions


Pickleball (singles): 44 feet long
Pickleball (doubles): 44 feet long

Tennis (singles): 78 feet long
Tennis (doubles): 78 feet long


Pickleball (singles): 20 feet wide
Pickleball (doubles): 20 feet wide

Tennis (singles): 27 feet wide
Tennis (doubles): 36 feet wide

The Net

The standard pickleball net dimensions are 36 inches high at the posts and 34 inches high in the middle.

The standard tennis net dimensions are 42 inches high at the posts and 36 inches high in the center.

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If You're Teaching Someone to Play Pickleball, Send Them This