
The Differences Between Lightweight and Heavyweight Pickleball Paddles

The Differences Between Lightweight and Heavyweight Pickleball Paddles

In pickleball, the most important piece of equipment you'll purchase is your pickleball paddle. But not all pickleball paddles are created equal. While there are many factors to consider when committing to a pickleball paddle, one of the more important ones is deciding whether to choose a paddle that is lightweight, midweight, or heavyweight.

Lightweight paddles typically weigh between 6 ounces and 7.5 ounces, while midweight paddles typically fall between 7.5 and 9 ounces. Heavyweight paddles can weigh up to 12 ounces.

So, what's the difference between lighter weight and heavy paddles, and which is the best pickleball paddle for you? This buying guide will explain the main pros and cons of each so you can pick a paddle that offers you all the ball control you need and the power you crave to drive your shots over the net.

The Benefits of Lightweight Pickleball Paddles

One of the main benefits of lightweight pickleball paddles is that they offer more control. Lighter paddles are easier to maneuver and generate less power. This can be a major advantage for players who like to play a more finesse style of pickleball with soft dinks at the net and want more control over their shots.

Another benefit of lightweight paddles is that they tend to be more comfortable and cause less fatigue. Because they are lighter, they put less strain on your arm and shoulder, which can help players who have joint issues or who are susceptible to injuries.

Lightweight paddles are typically composite pickleball paddles with either a graphite or fiberglass hitting surface and may be edgeless. The core material is typically a type of polymer core such as a polypropylene honeycomb core or Nomex.

Player with lightweight paddle

The Disadvantages of Lightweight Pickleball Paddles

One of the main disadvantages of lightweight pickleball paddles is that they offer less power. Because they are lighter, they generate less force and take more effort to hit drives and more powerful shots. If you prefer a more powerful game and prefer to hit bangers, then lightweight may not be your best option.

Lightweight paddles also tend to be more expensive because they are typically made with higher-quality materials.

The Benefits of Heavyweight Pickleball Paddles

One of the main benefits of heavyweight pickleball paddles is that they offer more power. Because they are heavier, they generate more force on pickleball balls and can hit drives and more powerful shots with ease. This can be advantageous for advanced players and those who like to play a more aggressive game. Likewise, if you struggle to consistently hit the ball over the net or lack power in your shots, a heavier paddle could benefit you.

Heavyweight paddles are typically less expensive than their lightweight counterparts, but this may be changing as more advanced carbon fiber paddle faces become more widely available. These types of paddles typically have a textured surface for extra spin.

Heavyweight paddles typically have an added edge guard, which adds a bit of weight while protecting the paddle from damage, and may feature a special cushioned overgrip that slightly increases the grip size.

Player with heavyweight paddle

The Disadvantages of Heavyweight Pickleball Paddles

One of the main disadvantages of heavyweight pickleball paddles is that they offer less control over your shots. Because they are heavier, they are more difficult to maneuver and can make it difficult to place your shots where you want them to go, especially if you have a more finessed style of play or like to play upfront in the kitchen.

Another disadvantage of heavyweight paddles is that they tend to be less comfortable and can cause more fatigue. The added weight puts more strain on your arm and shoulder, which can be an issue for players who have joint issues, lack shoulder mobility or strength, and who are susceptible to injuries.

Which Should You Consider for Your Game?

Knowing which paddle weight is right for you depends on several factors.

  1. Style of play. This is the most important factor to consider when deciding between a lightweight or heavyweight paddle. If you like to play a more finesse style of game with lots of control, then a lightweight paddle may be your best option. Likewise, if you have a more powerful game or tend to hit the ball harder, then a heavyweight paddle could be beneficial for you.

  2. Level of experience. If you're just starting out, it's generally recommended that you use a lighter paddle so that you can get used to the feel and weight of the paddle. Once you've gotten more comfortable and have developed your skills, then you can experiment with different weights to see what works best for you.

  3. Physical ability. If you fatigue easily or lack strength or mobility in your arm and shoulder, then a lightweight paddle may be your best option. Conversely, if you have no issues with fatigue and have good strength and mobility, then a heavyweight paddle could be more beneficial for you.

  4. Price. As a general rule, lightweight paddles are more expensive than heavyweight paddles because they are typically made with higher-quality materials. If price is a factor for you or you need a starting paddle, then a heavyweight paddle may be the way to go.

Ultimately, it's important to experiment with different weights to see what works best for you and your game. There is no one perfect weight for everyone.

What Pickleball Paddles Are Used By the Pros?

If you ask pros about preferred paddle weight, their answers vary quite a bit. However, there is one recurring answer; if it feels good, use it. Professional pickleball players are more interested in using paddles that work for their game and feel "right" for them.

Player hitting two-handed backhand

Recommended Pickleball Paddles by Weight

There are so many pickleball paddles and pickleball paddle sets to choose from - it can be hard to narrow down the choices, especially when the same paddle can be customized to be heavier or lighter. Here are some top picks for paddles by weight that have excellent specs, performance, and user ratings.


Prokennex Ovation Flight

JOOLA Vision CGS 16

Bantam Ex-L Paddle

Should I Change My Paddle Weight Over Time?

As you progress in pickleball, you may want to switch up your paddle from time to time. One such time is if you have an injury - in that case you may want not want to play pickleball for a short time, or switch to a lightweight paddle and only play one or two matches. Another opportune time is when your current paddle is showing signs of age or excessive wear and tear.

As you switch paddles, you may develop a stronger finesse game or power game than you had earlier in your pickleball career, simply because different paddles offer different benefits and have different sweet spots. As always, make sure that whatever you choose feels good and is fun to use. Good luck out there!

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