
Step Up Your Pickleball Game with These Simple Stretching Techniques!

Step Up Your Pickleball Game with These Simple Stretching Techniques!

All kidding aside, you should stretch before pickleball for several reasons. First, it helps to increase blood flow to your muscles, which can help to reduce the risk of injury. Pickleball Central has a whole section for injury and prevention that you can Check Out Here. Second, stretching can help to improve your range of motion, which is essential for making quick movements on the court. Finally, stretching can help reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, improving your performance during the game.

Many players don’t like to stretch and warm up before play because once they enter the court area, they feel the urge to play right away or are too embarrassed to do a proper warm-up in front of other players.  So, we’ve created a nickname for a warm-up you can do at your leisure before playing.  We call it “Parking Lot Prehab.”  So, when you get to the courts, remain in the parking lot for a few minutes (5 to 10 mins.), and you’ll be glad you did!

In fact, we recently had Garrett Nealon, Certified Personal Trainer, with us on Pickleball University, to get his perspectives on the importance of stretching and proper warm ups, click here to read the article. Also, check out his site Athletes Prehab for exercises specific to pickleball.

Garrett Nealon, Owner of Athletes Prehab

Dynamic Warm-Up

Before stretching, it's essential to warm up your muscles. A dynamic warm-up is a great way to prepare your body for activity. Start with some light jogging or jumping jacks to get your heart rate up, and then move on to exercises that mimic the movements of pickleball. For example, you can do high knees, butt kicks, and side shuffles to warm your legs and hips.

Upper Body Stretches

Once you've warmed up, it's time to start stretching. Begin with some upper body stretches to loosen up your shoulders and arms. Try some arm circles, shoulder rolls, and tricep stretches. Hold each stretch for 15-20 seconds and repeat on both sides.

Lower Body Stretches

Next, move on to some lower body stretches. These can include hamstring, quad, calf, and hip flexor stretches. Hold each time for 15-20 seconds and repeat on both sides.

Core Stretches

Finally, remember to stretch your core. A strong body is essential for balance and stability on the court. There are a number of core exercises that will help with reinforcing your overall strength and durability.

More Info

Here at Pickleball University, we focus on players more than just about anything, so the topic of wellness and health is near and dear to our hearts.  So, if you’re interested in more information about stretching and warming up properly, check out CJ Johnson from WeArePickleball on Pickleball Warm Up Exercises below.

CJ Johnson gives you a 3 minute exercise routine prior to playing.

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