
What Is the "X" Strategy in Pickleball?

What Is the "X" Strategy in Pickleball?

Have you ever heard someone say “Respect the X!” on the pickleball court and wondered what they were talking about? The “X” strategy in pickleball has become a phenomenon because it challenges the traditional “forehand takes the middle” philosophy - and in some situations, it works better.

What is the X Strategy in Pickleball?

The “X” strategy or “respect the X” players believe that the player who is cross-court from the return of serve should hit the ball, whether or not that player has the forehand. This gives the player in this court position the best chance of a clean return without reaching or overextending and possibly missing the third shot while also not creating an open court gap that can then be exploited.

What is the “Forehand Takes the Middle” Pickleball Strategy?

The pickleball strategy many doubles players adhere to is “forehand takes the middle.” What exactly does this mean?

This strategy assumes that pickleball balls hit between two players at the kitchen line should be hit by whoever has the forehand. This thinking follows that most pickleball players have a better, more consistent forehand than backhand, and it is easier to aim and control a forehand shot. This also assumes both players have comparable skill, and one partner isn’t poaching because of a lack of skill from their partner.

This strategy doesn’t take into account right-handed players or lefties which may hit the ball differently depending on which side of the court they are standing on. It also doesn’t follow the trajectory of a pickleball serve.

Problems with the Forehand Takes the Middle Strategy

There are two cons to this popular pickleball strategy.

  1. A right-handed player who has the forehand shot from the even side will need to lunge or reach for the shot on the return of serve, which may cause unforced errors for the third shot.

  2. A hole is created once the forehand player moves to take the shot, which can be exploited by experienced players.

These problems are difficult to overcome, which is why the “X” strategy has gained popularity on pickleball courts across America.

Who Came Up With the X Strategy in Pickleball?

Tony Roig, an IPTPA Certified Master Teaching Professional and founder of In2Pickle, first explained the “X” strategy in a video tutorial. As a 5.0 player and pickleball instructor, Tony offers incredible pickleball tips and strategies online to help players become better pickleball players. Here’s Tony to explain the “X” strategy in detail and how it can help players in tournaments and recreational games:

When Should You Not Use the “X” Strategy?

The “X” strategy isn’t perfect. There are absolutely times when you should deviate from it. Here are a few examples:

  • When partners are standing at the kitchen line and their opponents hit a high ball, it’s best to use a forehand as an overhead smash rather than a backhand.

  • If one partner is stuck in the transition zone and the other is at the non-volley zone line, it makes more sense for the player at the NVZ to take the shot.

  • If a player gets a high bounce return of serve, this presents an opportunity to attack, and the player with the forehand should take it.

What is the Best Pickleball Doubles Strategy for Shots in the Middle?

As with all things pickleball, it is difficult to nail down the best strategy because what works best against one opponent may not be the best against another. Both the “X” strategy and “forehand takes the middle” strategies are valid, proven, and work well depending on the pickleball players involved.

Ultimately, deciding on a team strategy is best left to each set of partners and the particular pickleball game in question.

Do you prefer the “X” strategy or “forehand takes the middle”? Let us know in the comments below!

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