
When to Counter Attack or Block in Pickleball

When to Counter Attack or Block in Pickleball

From an outsider looking in, pickleball seems pretty simple right? However, if you have been playing for a while you know there is a lot of strategy to the game. Kind of like chess… your move (or shot in pickleball) determines your opponents next move and their move then determines what you can you. It’s really fun when you start playing strategically and thinking a few shots ahead as chess players think a few moves ahead. Today we will discuss when to counter attack and when to block.

What is a counter attack in pickleball & when to use

A counter attack is when you add pace onto the ball. Imagine you are standing at the kitchen line and you know your opponent is driving the ball as you. A counter attack would be you swinging or punching the ball right back at them.

So when should you counter attack? Here are a few tips

1)    When you have time and preparation

2)    When you anticipate your opponents shot

3)    When you are in a balanced position

What is a block in pickleball and when to use

A block is when you take pace off the ball. The opposite of a counter attack. When you are standing at the kitchen line and your opponent is driving the ball at you, instead of swinging or punching back, you are going to just let the ball hit the paddle and try to absorb some of the pace.

When to block? Here are a few tips

1)    When you don’t have time and aren’t prepared

2)    When you don’t anticipate your opponents shot

3)    When you aren’t in a balanced position

 As you see, blocking is the exact opposite of counter attacking. Top level players do a very good job at knowing when to counter vs when to block. If you counter attack when you should block, you wont have very much control. If you block when you should counter attack, you aren’t putting any pressure on your opponent.

 How to counter attack in pickleball?

There are two main ways you can counter attack: swinging volley & punch volley.

 A swinging volley is usually used when you have more time. For example, when you’re opponent is deeper in the court by the baseline. You will have a little take back and follow through which can put more pace and spin on the ball.

 A punch volley is usually used when your opponent is closer to the net and you don’t have time for a swinging volley. You will see a lot of players use the punch volley when their opponent tries to speed the ball up from the kitchen area. If you are ready for the speedup, instead of softly blocking it back to them, you can punch it back at them giving them less time to react.

 For more details and some drills you can do to practice, check out the video below by Danea over at All Things Pickleball. In this video, she covers everything you need to know about counter attacking and blocking.

When to Counter Attack or Block in Pickleball | How to do it | Practice Drills

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