
Is Mindfulness for Pickleballers?

Is Mindfulness for Pickleballers?

By now, you’ve probably heard the term “mindfulness.” Especially as it relates to health. Maybe you’re even practicing some mindfulness techniques like meditation or affirmations. Or maybe you’re wondering what the heck it is. Either way, this guide will help you explore different ways mindfulness can benefit your pickleball game.

What is Mindfulness?

A quick Google search will tell you that mindfulness is a noun.

the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.
"their mindfulness of the wider cinematic tradition"

a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

But we like to think of it as a verb. Because mindfulness isn’t really a destination you arrive at. At least not when used on the pickleball courts. It’s more of a practice. Something you can strive to incorporate into your physical health that will also benefit your mental health.

So How Does Mindfulness Work in Pickleball?

Great question. Here are a few ways to practice mindfulness on the pickleball courts. Just remember, none of us are perfect. And you’re going to have off-days. Just like the rest of us. But if you’re ever feeling mentally cluttered, remember some of these tips.

#1 Breathing Intentionally

So you just dropped the kids off. Or just got out of a work meeting. And now you’re rushing to the pickleball courts to meet up with your regular picklers. Sound familiar. We’ve all been there. It can cause us to step on the court already feeling mentally cluttered. All it takes is one botched serve or wonky dink to send your mind spiraling. So on your way to the court or as you’re walking up to it, notice your breath. Take 10 breaths where you’re intentionally tracking your breath. This will help you reset. Quieting everything that happened in your day before your pickleball game. Which allows you to focus on the game and have fun with your fellow pickleballers.

#2 Zoom Out. Like Way Out.

You know how when you’re looking at a map on your phone, you can zoom out to get a sense of the entire route (speaking of, check out our guide to road tripping pickleball style)? Take this as a metaphor for mental clarity. Sometimes we get so focused on the last point we just lost that we forget about the next point. Or the whole point of the game! Which, in our humble opinion, is to enjoy an active lifestyle. Key words being “enjoy'“ and “active” there. Pickleball is such a great way to stay active and in a really fun way. You’re doing your body and mind good every time you step on the court. Zoom out every once in a while and back yourself on the back for getting out there!

#3 Watch Your Thoughts Like Clouds

When you’re in an intense match, sometimes your emotions can run high. Which isn’t always a bad thing. But it can be if you’re getting frustrated or angry on the court. Instead of letting your emotions drive, think of them as clouds. Watch them go by, without judging them, and notice how you’re playing when different emotions float by. This will help you identify which emotions are helping you on the court. And which ones are hurting you.

Let us know your mindfulness tips in the comments!

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