
Portable Pickleball Nets vs. Permanent Pickleball Nets

Portable Pickleball Nets vs. Permanent Pickleball Nets

Imagine grabbing your pickleball paddles, gathering your friends, and pulling up to a court expecting to play a pickleball match only to discover that you can’t play on that court after all because there isn’t a pickleball net.

What can you do? 

Consider getting your own pickleball net, of course!

In this article, we discuss the differences between portable pickleball nets and permanent pickleball nets, including who should consider purchasing one and which ones are worth the money.

The Benefits of Portable Pickleball Nets

When in need of a net, the most viable option is a portable one. These are easy to carry around and can be left in your vehicle to ensure you have a net whenever you need it.

The benefits of a portable pickleball net include:


Portable pickleball net systems can range slightly above $100 to around $300. The price differs based on durability and the materials used.


Portable nets are usually much lighter weight than permanent pickleball nets. The weight can range from 15 to 50 pounds or more. The lighter-weight nets are easier to carry around and set up but typically less durable.


One of the benefits of portability is setup. Portable nets are easier to set up and break down, which makes them ideal in a pinch or if you want to be able to start your game quickly and not take a lot of time leaving the court.

The Benefits of Permanent Pickleball Nets

For some, a permanent pickleball net may make more sense than a portable one.

The benefits of a permanent pickleball net include:


By far, the greatest benefit of a permanent net is its durability. Typically, they are heavy and made of stronger materials than portable nets. They usually offer more weatherproofing since they are more likely to be left outside.

Set It and Forget It

Okay, maybe you can’t forget it–you’ll need to tighten it every once in a while and there is maintenance to take care of. But, once you have set up your permanent net, you shouldn’t have to set it up fully again.

The Downsides of Portable Pickleball Nets

Choosing a portable net does have its downsides. Mostly, the problem with portable pickleball nets is that they aren’t very durable over a long period of time. Sure, spending more means you’ll get one that can take more of a beating. But, compared to permanent nets, portable ones require maintenance more often, and you may struggle with more net sag more often.

The Downsides of Permanent Pickleball Nets

Permanent pickleball nets are more costly than portable ones. Typically, they run upwards of several hundred dollars to over a thousand. They are also harder to set up–though you should only have to do it once. And, since they are permanent, you can’t exactly take them from court to court.

Which Net is Right For You?

Now it’s time to consider whether a portable or permanent pickleball net system is right for you.

Consider a portable pickleball net if you need to travel with your net, you like to set up play at your or a friend’s house, have nearby tennis courts without pickleball options, or move around a lot.

Consider a permanent pickleball net if you own a private court, want to convert your tennis court to pickleball, or if you plan on hosting tournaments.

The Best Portable Pickleball Nets

If you’d like a bigger list of portable pickleball nets we approve of, check out a recent blog post called The 8 Best Portable Pickleball Nets.

Here are two of the top portable nets we’ve found:

#1 - The 3.0 Portable Pickleball Net System

The 3.0 net is excellent for indoor and outdoor use and offers a sturdy design and easy assembly. The wide post bases and center stabilizer ensures that the net does not tip or fall over. Its parts are also numbered, making it easy to set up and take apart in under 10 minutes.

Benefits include:

●      Durable

●      Stable

●      Easy-to-assemble

●      Balanced weight

●      Affordable price

Cons include:

●      None

#2 - Oncourt Offcourt PickleNet Deluxe

The PickleNet Deluxe by Oncourt Offcourt offers extreme durability with a heavy-duty design that all but guarantees it to last multiple seasons before needing repairs or replacement. It’s heavier than most portable nets, at 56 pounds, but that added weight goes a long way to ensure you get the most out of this net.

Benefits include:

●      Extremely stable

●      Extra accessories

●      Easy to assemble

Cons include:

●      Heavy

●      High price

The Best Permanent Pickleball Nets

Permanent pickleball nets are a great option if you play a lot of pickleball and have a spot where you can set down a net for the long term. The best option we’ve found is this Douglas Premier Heavy Duty net.

Douglas Premier PPS-22SQ Heavy Duty Portable Pickleball Net System

Though it says this net is portable, players report that it appears and performs like a permanent net system. This is great news for those who are not able or willing to drill holes, pour concrete, or purchase a parcel of land big enough to build their court.

This net was developed and used at the 2018 USA Pickleball National Championships and is an excellent option for clubs or owners who have a tennis court available and are looking to offer a pickleball option or replacement.


We hope this guide helped you learn more about permanent and portable pickleball nets. Whatever your needs are, there’s a solution out there for you. And, with a little bit of searching, you’ll be playing pickleball whenever and wherever you want!

Have more questions about pickleball nets or pickleball in general? Be sure to follow and subscribe to our blog. We’re updating it constantly to share the latest news and information, tips, and strategies for players of all skill levels.

You can also visit the Pickleball University Store!

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