
Try These 3 Low-impact Cardio Workouts to Improve Your Game and Overall Health

Try These 3 Low-impact Cardio Workouts to Improve Your Game and Overall Health

If you play a lot of pickleball, or sports in general, I am sure you have experienced some soreness/pain in your feet, ankles, knees, etc. Having been a lifelong athlete, I know how hard it is to take a whole day off and do no physical activity. However, I have learned how important it is to give your body a rest from high impact movements from time to time.

Impact isn’t a bad thing, but too much, too frequently can lead to overuse, soreness, and possibly injuries.

Here are 3 low-impact cardio workouts that I like to do when my body needs a break from the impact of the hard court:

1. Rowing Machine

There are many types of workouts you can do on a rowing machine, but here are a few:

1. Recovery- pick a longer distance and row at a slower pace (around 50% of your max effort)

2. Short sprints- example: 100M row max effort, rest, repeat… The distance of the row and length of your rest depends on your fitness level

3. Long distance- set the rower for challenging distance and finish as fast as you can, slowing down or taking rest as needed

4. HIIT- example: 20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds rest, repeat for 10 rounds… The length of the rowing, rest and number of rounds depends on your fitness level

My personal favorite: 2000 meter row for time

I love competing with myself and doing challenging workouts. The 2000 meter row for time is no joke and one of the hardest I have done. I like to row at an easy pace to get warmed up before setting the rower to 2000 meters. Once it is set, it is maximum effort for 6-12 minutes until you finish the 2000 meters. The first time I completed this challenge was a baseline and every time after, I competed with myself to improve my time.

2. Bike

There are many types of bikes (assault, stationary, road) and workouts you can do on a bike, but here are a few:

1. Recovery- pick a longer distance and bike at a slower pace (around 50% of your max effort)

2. Short sprints- example: short distance max effort, rest, repeat… The distance of the bike sprint and length of your rest depends on your fitness level

3. Long distance- choose a challenging distance and finish as fast as you can, slowing down or taking rest as needed

4. HIIT- example: 20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds rest, repeat for 10 rounds… The length of the max effort period, rest and number of rounds depends on your fitness level

My personal favorite: 5 minutes for max calories on a Rogue Assault Bike

If you have access to a Rogue Assault Bike, it is my favorite piece of equipment to improve my overall fitness. Many workouts on the assault bike are measured by calories and once you get going, it seems like the calorie counter never moves and time slows down. The 5 minutes will seem like an eternity but it will definitely improve your fitness. Just like the rower, I try to get more calories every time I do this 5 minute challenge.


3. Swim

There are different strokes and workouts you can do in a pool, but here are a few:

1. Recovery- pick a longer distance and swim at a slower pace (around 50% of your max effort)

2. Short sprints- example: 25 meters at max effort, rest, repeat… The number of meters and length of your rest depends on your fitness level

3. Long distance- choose a challenging distance and finish as fast as you can, slowing down or taking rest as needed

4. HIIT- example: 20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds rest, repeat for 10 rounds… The length of the max effort period, rest and number of rounds depends on your fitness level

My personal favorite: 1 mile swim for time

Just like rowing and biking, I like to challenge myself with longer distance/timed challenges. I am much better at short sprints with rest, so the 1 mile swim really challenges my breathing, endurance and overall fitness.

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