
Singles Pickleball: Scoring and Strategies for Playing Singles Pickleball Games

Singles Pickleball: Scoring and Strategies for Playing Singles Pickleball Games

In pickleball, playing singles is different from playing doubles. It's almost like playing a completely different game. When it comes to playing a singles pickleball game, power, speed, and stamina tend to take precedence over precision, patience, and placement.

Even though a few doubles strategies can be carried over from doubles, a single player must strategize differently and have more athletic prowess to cover the open space of the entire 20-foot pickleball court. Additionally, the scoring is different for skinny singles games.

To help you sort through the differences, here are some of the best pickleball strategies for singles, along with a few that will work for doubles matches. No matter your skill level, anyone can learn to play singles.

No Second Server in Singles

Pickleball singles is similar to doubles in scoring, with the exception that there is no second server. Therefore, the server only calls out two numbers: the server's score first, followed by the opponent's score.

When the server's score is even (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 points), the serve is always delivered from the server's right side of the court. However, when the server's score is odd (1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 points), the serve is delivered from the server's left side of the court. To determine which side to serve from, the score of the server, not the combined score of the receiver, matters.  Due to the lack of a second server, the serve reverts to the receiver when the first loses the point.

Man serving in pickleball

Key Pickleball Singles Strategies for a Winning Game

As singles players have to cover the entire court, a strategy that utilizes quickness, anticipation, and versatility is vital. Having a better position at the start of each point is critical in winning matches.

Here are strategies many singles pickleball players have discovered as they play:

  1. In order to effectively cover both sides of the court, the serve should be executed near the centerline. This enables the server to reach the ball from the position in the middle of the court following the return of serve. Singles players who serve too close to the sideline will have a hard time reaching the ball for the third shot.

  2. In order to make it more difficult for the receiver to return, hit a deep serve.

  3. You should attempt to force your opponent to use their backhand instead of their forehand since many players’s backhand is the weaker side. The situation is reversed, of course, if your opponent's backhand is stronger than their forehand. Continue to feed the shot to their weak side.

  4. To minimize the chance of your opponent setting up, hit deep shots into the corners whenever possible. If you also play tennis, you will already be familiar with this strategy. By doing this, you will have an opportunity to control the point from the non-volley line.

  5. Depending on whether your opponent is at the non-volley zone line or the baseline, you can choose your next shot. If your opponent is crossing the transition zone, a soft dink or drop shot can cause them to rush forward, or a well-placed lob can send them scrambling backward. The best shot is likely a hard passing shot or one that dips into the non-volley zone.

Singles pickleball game

Final Thoughts

From doubles games, singles is a refreshing change, especially for former tennis players. It’s great that tennis strategy tips can be applied successfully to pickleball singles.

For those of you looking for more of a workout, singles games are not a low-effort or casual match. Even though the pickleball court is only about a quarter of the size of a tennis court, it’s a lot of ground to cover on your own.

If you’re new to pickleball or playing singles, don’t be afraid to try it. Your fitness will definitely improve, and the fast pace will help you incorporate some of the strategies into your next doubles game more strategically. Give it a shot, and let us know how you did in the comments section below!

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