
The Largest, Heaviest Pickleball in the World (Maybe?)

The Largest, Heaviest Pickleball in the World (Maybe?)

Huge thank you to a reader who goes by MikeTheMason for submitting this! Before we dive in, you can submit pickleball stories to us, too. We’d love to hear from you!

Okay, onto this massive pickleball structure. Mike tells us his favorite dink spot is Doylestown Pickleball Club in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. And he wanted to create something unique for the club.

So what did he do?

Constructed a 520-pound pickleball, of course. It’s made from ferro-cement, which is a method of concrete construction that utilizes multiple layers of wire mesh to form an armature for a cement based plaster. The military actually utilized this form of construction to quickly and inexpensively build many barge hulls during WWII.

The pickleball has a circumference of 132 inches, stands 42 inches high, and is 1.5 inches thick.

It has 37 3-inch holes.

This giant pickleball now serves as a landmark for the driveway entrance and is even equipped with interior solar lighting, so it lights up at night. In all, it took Mike about 28 hours to complete. And he let us know he’d price it around $3,000. Ya know, if you need one for your front lawn.

Has anyone out there seen a larger or heavier pickleball? Let us know in the comments!

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